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Peksay Consultancy is working together with world's leading companies that designs, manufactures and tests their own products according to the latest international industry standards. From early stages of budgetary planning of your project to commissioning at site, we will be working with you for preliminary design, technical specification preparation, detail design, data sheet completion and general arrangement drawing approval. As well as local TSE standards existing EN, DIN, BS, ASTM, JIS standards related to our products is followed but most of our equipment is made for special purposes and not manufactured and used in high numbers in the industry may not be described enough or not described at all in national standards agencies. In this case where applicable and necessary we also follow and contribute in private organisations or work groups such as:
PIANC, The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure WG211 for Fenders
OCIMF Design and Construction Marine Loading Arms
European ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
European Machinery Directive 06/42/EC
EN 10 204 Certificates on Material Testing
EN 13480 Metallic Industrial Piping
ISO 17636 Non Destructive Examinations
ISO 15614 Welding Procedure Qualification
ISO 9606-1 Welding Qualification
ISO 8501-3 Gr.P2 Surface preparation for painting
UBC Earthquake and Wind Loadings
ASME Section VIII Division 1 - Pressure Vessels
ANSI B31.3 Chemical and Petroleum Refinery Piping
Above examples are usual standards used in product design and manufacturing but not a must nor limits for us. In every project we define and present you, which standards used and how they will be tested if tests are applicable after production.
Inspection and test plans may be produced depending on the equipment and requirements and they are custom to every other projects.
We want to be in total control on what we offer and install and share all details during the process and also an enhanced Installation, Operation and Maintenance guide is provided for your operation team for long life and minimal downtime of the product and your operations.
Please contact us for more details on what we can offer to collaborate with you..
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